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Welcome to Metis! In this quick tutorial, we will go over the basic steps of setting up your account with Metis and monitoring a PostgreSQL server using Metis Metadata Collector (MMC). Let’s get started!

Create a New Metis account​

The first step is creating an account. The account will be used to generate the API keys and store the traces, metrics, and other data sent to the platform. Untitled

Configure Metis Metadata Collector​

First, you will need to configure Metis Metadata Collector, a tool that helps collect important information from database servers. It keeps an eye on things like what the database is doing, any changes to the database's structure or settings, and the size of the tables. By tracking these details, Metis Metadata Collector gives administrators and users useful data to understand and improve the performance of their databases.

The easiest way to configure Metis Metadata Collector is using a Wizard. To learn how to use the wizard watch this video or follow the steps below.

Go to the page Monitoring. Click on the button Deploy to open the configuration Wizard.


Select your hosting infrastructure and click Next.


Execute the scripts to create the necessary prerequisites. Metis Metadata Collector requires the extension called pg_stat_statements.

Once you are done, click Next.


Enter the connection string to the database server. For PostgreSQL, it should look like this


By providing the AWS credentials, Metis Metadata Collector can also collect the infrastructure metrics, such as CPU. This is optional.

Click Next.


Copy and run the generated Docker command to start monitoring the database server. The data will start flowing right away.


❗ It might take 2-3 minutes to see the data.

Go back to the page Monitoring. The new monitored database server can be found there.